BELBIN® Team Roles Profile Questionnaire

The Belbin Team Roles Report questionnaire will take about 20 minutes to complete online and this will give you a four page report, with descriptions about your behaviour and strengths and weaknesses. It will consist of the following documents;

  • Belbin® Self perception team role profile – This report will show how your team roles are distributed between preferred, manageable and least preferred.
  • Counselling report – this will be a text description of the previous report based on your top two team role strengths.
  • Character profile – This can sometimes be used for recruitment as it will focus on both your strengths and possible weaknesses.
  • Personal work style – This is a pie chart based on recommendations of your top team roles.

If you complete the 360 version of the profile, other people would have given you input and it then becomes an eight page report showing additionally;

  • Assessment results in rank order
  • Additional pie charts of you versus your observers
  • Bar graph of observer words and list of observer responses.

Belbin does not put people in boxes, as your team roles may change over time, and is based on observation as well as substantial research. It has also been updated regularly and the reports are of a good quality. All in all it really makes a difference to the way people work in teams. We would be happy to discuss how to develop your team or team leadership capabilities using Belbin Team Roles. Our training consultants work across the UK and further afield as required.

Belbin Team Roles